Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Gear Shift.

Have you ever been in a moment and from a very random but sincere place in your mind – a penny drops?
You get that thought that realization that you are selling yourself short?

Well it’s time for a GEAR SHIFT!
It’s time to step up a notch and move into the right lane. Old mentalities are like worn tires. They don’t take well and they can put your life in danger. How long will we persist in living life in old models when the spunky new version (the truth) is staring us right in the face.
We have been called to greater things. We have absolutely no need to settle for second best.

It is in us to be great. Yes! Us! We are children of the most high! In him we are more than conquerors! Although our character is constantly under construction we are valuable!

Now I’m not saying we need to walk around with our heads in the clouds totally oblivious to the reality of our lives, but I say we need to maintain the attitude that we are worth it! We can attain that which we seek and reach for. As long as we keep God in our drivers’ seat, we are assured safe travel and arrival at our destination.

I’m taking up my new model and I plan to kick into drive and let God do the rest. His navigation system is far better than mine. He knows my destination. He knows where I need improve on my sharp turns and he helps me around the bends.

So what is this great thought?
I AM – who I am
I WILL BE – whatever I need to be
I AM – loved.

“He who is in me is greater than he that is in the world”

Feel the love.

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