Friday, February 9, 2007

The song playing; If tomorrow never comes...

The song playing is – If tomorrow never comes

Death isn’t a very pretty subject…
But it’s a very definite part of life and living.
My uncle passed away last week Thursday and we are having his funeral tomorrow, it’s going to be hard on everybody at the funeral because not only will he be greatly missed but he was a single parent with a 6 year old son as well.
But his passing away has got me thinking if where I to die today would I be ready?
Um well… if I died right now I would have no problem because I know that I will be going to heaven. No doubt! but something makes me a bit uneasy still about the thought of dying today, I mean there are so many things I want to do before I die… I would like to have been married, and have a couple of kids, have established a fruitful business and after I have done something big for my family – lets not forget all Gods’ work that I still have in my heart to do.
Its scary to think that if I die today there are so many things I haven’t said and done that are important … today I am going to go to brotha X and tell him what I feel about brotha X and sista X being together… I am going to tell my two sisters how much I love them and I am going to draw out all my dreams in a book called ‘my book of possibilities’ and enjoy it as I start ticking the steps off as I move up. I want to live a life of no regrets cos, frankly life is too short! I am a dreamer of note, but what is the point of my existence if not to bring those dreams into fruition?
My lesson today is quite simple. Dream big, aim high – and then go out and do it!
There’s a song that goes (in English) ‘the treasures of this world will all stay in the grave’, “Amagugu alelizwe ayosale’matuneni!” And then there’s this - one the famous; ‘the great dreams of this world all lie nine feet under” – now I don’t want that for my dreams…
So I am off to make sure that my dreams come alive, although that means been faithful with the little I have now, for now that means that comforting the family by being there at the funeral tomorrow…
So enjoy the weekend, don’t forget to say and do what you have to..
Lotsa love


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