Monday, March 5, 2007

Boy, do I have news for you!

Boy, do I have news for you!

You know, someone asked me how to stay positive when everything around you seems to be going amiss?
Well I don’t confess to being a professor on this but from my experiences I have concluded that;
Firstly we are living in a “self” obsessed world. “Everything is about me,’ “Life is so unfair to me”. Well I have blogged about this before, that as much as the person we look at in the mirror in the morning might just be a vision too gorgeous for anyone to handle, life and everything that happens in it is not necessarily about us at all… Sorry if I‘ve blown a few egos.
Once we stop thinking that everything is about us we might just take most things less personally and therefore we will be hurt by much less.
Have you noticed how you seem to be able to give your friend advice about something – and this might come as a surprise but your advice in turn works out! Then you go through the same thing and no matter what your friend tells you about the advice you gave them, the response you give is ‘you don’t understand, this is not the same, this is like 10 times worse!” sound familiar?
Ha ha ! Well the reason it seems so different when it happens to you is because you are emotionally involved in it. That’s why I say when you start realizing that its not about you and no the world isn’t out to get you, you generally have a more realistic view on problems and might also find solutions to them yourselves – no shrinks involved!
Another way I think works for me is when I realize that, as pitiful as I might be for myself someone out there went through the same thing and got over it. Also the fact that there is someone out there who is going through so much worse.
For example when you think, “Oh no! I feel like I have no friends anymore’- remember the person who has no family anymore.
When you feel like “ oh hats I don’t have money for church camp and I haven’t been for years” remember the person who has no money for food
When you feel like” oh crumbs I can’t pass this exam I am so stressed’ remember the person who cant even afford to go to university.
So in closing I have to say this though, there is nothing wrong with going through a rough time, as long as you go through it and overcame it.
We need to be more open about our problems look around us and we will see how many people are going through the same thing or worse, be encouraged by them and in turn be an encouragement to someone else. There have been many times when I’ve had a rough day and I arrive at Mission McCord’s (hospital visitations ministry) and I leave inspired because I have met people with health problems too great for me to fathom but they still muster up a smile.
Life isn’t so bad.
My gogo(grandmother) use to say “the wrinkles on my face might tell of my many struggles, but the smile on your face tells of the other more sweeter half of my life. One that I have enjoyed every minute of planting into. You see rolling in the mud isn’t so bad, cos afterwards you can have lots of fun hosing it all off.
So I say to you ‘When the going gets tough – walk tall and hold you head up high. That way the mud on the floor won’t drag you down. And the sky might make you realise how high you can still get, and the other people on your level might just follow in your footsteps’

lots of love

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