Thursday, March 1, 2007

Time flies

The song playing is Lord lift us up where we belong.
The line I am hearing is " time goes by, no time to cry.
Time's you and I, alive today"

Time flies

Time is that one thing that once lost can never be regained.
Time is what makes the world tick. Time is something that we seem to need more and more as we grow.
To my mother – more time needed to clean my room
To the lecture – more time needed for assignments
To the boss – more time needed for deadlines

Ok so you get the point…
One thing I have come to realised, time is quite the demon in our lives, we either spend time worrying over how to manage it, or spend time wasting it.
Sometimes we get so over consumed with things that make us seem continuously busy, like arranging the already neat pictures on the wall!
Some how we need to learn to manage our time more efficiently. All of us - myself included. Strangely enough though, the things that most consume our time are not unnecessary things. I have been trying to teach myself lately that although I would love to do everything that comes across my path – I can’t! (Time wise that is). There are only 24 hours in a day. 8 hrs are spent at work. At least 8 hrs are spent sleeping (absolute minimum!). 2 hrs are spent eating and preparing meals (at the least!) 1 hr on travel from point A to B, the rest of the 5 hrs some of us have to study!
So this is where priorities come into place. Finding that stuff which is important and doing it first before anything else… I have had to learn this lesson the hard way. So take this piece of friendly advice and use it. Keep track of it! Make use of it!

With love


  1. Well, dear miss copy cat! Just jokin girl, u know i luv ur crazy ass nd ur even cazier posts. Be sure to chek out my new blog, nd if u hav tym log ion to this website:
    Lotsa luv...
    Midge...da exqst!

  2. Well, dear miss copy cat! Just jokin girl, u know i luv ur crazy ass nd ur even cazier posts. Be sure to chek out my new blog, nd if u hav tym log ion to this website:
    Lotsa luv...
    Midge...da exqst!
